Cajsa Von Zeipel at CFHILL, Stockholm, Sweden: Group-exhibition

11 May - 14 August 2023 
We are delighted to welcome curator Sophie Mörner back to CFHILL with the exhibition New York is for Lovers, revisiting the city’s ever-so vibrant art scene. Following 2019’s love story about New York, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Come Again, Mörner returns to our main gallery with eight of the most exciting artists related to New York City today.
New York continues to carry an enduring allure and cultural legacy that always pushes the boundaries. In a city where everything seems possible and (weirdly) accepted without batting an eye, it’s no surprise that it has been the place to which communities of artists and intellectuals have flocked throughout the 20th century to find a space for creative freedom and home.
With the same bustling energy as Thank You, this exhibition takes a closer look at a group of artists whose practices evolve around portraiture and autobiography. Across paintings, sculptures, videos, and collage, we encounter a multitude of bodies – others’, one’s own, its traces, imaginary, idealized, distorted, spiritual, absent. New York is for Lovers celebrates community and the families we create, the most intimate realms made public.

For more information, please visit website link